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10 Healthy RealW8 Snacks

What Is In REALW8


Asantae RealW8â„¢ is the first weight-loss supplement to address the main catalyst of weight gain and excess fat storage, which is our craving for and overindulgence of carbohydrates and sugar. The real problem is controlling the spikes in blood sugar that occur after we eat the typical American diet. These spikes make us unable to resist the sugar and carbohydrates that big food brands bombard us with constantly. RealW8 is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients scientifically engineered to help you control those carbohydrate and sugar cravings that cause you to gain weight and be unhealthy. 

Why RealW8

  • Contains a proprietary blend of natural ingredients to help you control the addiction to sugar and carbohydrates, thus allowing you to lose weight.
  • Among these ingredients is marine macroalgae extract rich in essential marine minerals and polyphenols.
  • Contains a patented raw coffee extract rich in plant polyphenols.
  • Developed using a proprietary formulation process in which the ingredients are scientifically engineered to maximize their benefits.

Benefits of RealW8

  • Encourages safe and effective weight loss.*
  • Helps you overcome the sugar addiction.
  • Minimizes sugar cravings by changing carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Contains no artificial stimulants.


A little of this delicious food goes a long way. Don't be afraid to use brown rice.

Sushi Soothes


Greens are packed with vitamins, minerals and enzymes that keep your body clean and functioning optimally.

Go Green


Seafood along with shrimp has alot of healthy fatty acids in it. It will keep you full longer.


Here are some healthy snacks that will not pack on the pounds . Having snacks while you are on the go will stop the need for fast foods.

If you're going to eat pretzels, make sure you surround it with some luscious fat. Try peanut butter or almond butter. Slice up an apple too and you're set!

On The Go

Just because you're using a carb doesn't mean it's bad. Load it with tons of nutritious fillings: meat, cheese, avocado, veggies.

Load It Up




Cheese Me

Cheese makes everything better. Enough said.

Can't say it enough. Fish is a great, lean, tasty way to get your protein in. Experiment. You'll be glad you did.

More Fish




Go Deli

Keeping sliced meats on hand will help you in a pinch. Dip in yummy sauces like BBQ, mayo, mustard, pesto...

Make It Fun

The more fun you make food preparation and presentation, the tastier it will be and the less you will eat. You heard it from Glo!

Greens tossed with vinaigrette are scrumptious. Surround your protein with a huge serving of greens. Add crumbled cheese, dried fruit and nuts for extra flavor punch!

Toss It



The side bend is to help you become more flexible in your upper and lower bottle. Not everyone is a yogi but everyone should be flexible.

Side bend

When doing a deep stretch make sure you feel it in your side  so that you know that it is working.

Deep Stretch



Make sure before you work out that you stretch to get your body in focus !

Top 5 workouts to kick off your new exercise regime

Stretch It Out


Lower Back

Your lower back is mostly effecting during running or hiking. If you are hiking Runyon like myself pay attention to that lower back.

After any workout stretch out your hamstrings. You never want to catch a cramp while showing off that new figuire.

Happy Hamstrings



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