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Glo's Story

"I got back to my real weight with RealW8 and so can you!"

​At the age of only 12 years old, Gloria Govan would meet the man that she is happily married to, Matt Barnes.  After several years apart, Matt and Gloria reconnected when he played college basketball near Gloria's hometown of Oakland, CA.  The two fell in love and now have two beautiful identical twin boys. Now, Gloria finds time to do it all as a mother of 2 and the wife of one NBA's stars.  Using her business major and book smarts, Gloria is also the executive director of Matt's foundation, Athletes Vs Cancer, and is heavily involved in several other charities.  Although she stays busy with her reality show career and burgeoning acting career, she always maintains a family first mentality, which is why Gloria she and her TeamGlo family use and support RealW8.  Her relationship always seems to be questioned by the rest of the women--but whether she even cares what the others think is another matter! With Matt being traded to Los Angeles in the offseason, her life is in transition as they try to establish a new life across the country from the other basketball wives.  And now, you have the opportunity to join Gloria and TeamGlo on their fitness journey!

​RealW8 works naturally to regulate your blood sugar. As your blood sugar stabilizes, your food cravings and compulsions drop away.  With RealW8, your body starts to crave healthy foods and reject bad ones.  Take two RealW8 capsules, 15-20 minutes before lunch and dinner, and you are sure to lose up to 3 pounds per week.  With RealW8, there's no starving, no deprivation, and no calorie counting.


Starvation Doesn't Work

Lose Weight and Earn Money with RealW8 

By becoming a Fitness Coach, RealW8 will give you the opportunity to make money while helping your friends and family lose weight and get healthy.  After purchasing two bottles of RealW8, you will automatically be eligible to become a Fitness Coach.  


If interested, please email


30 Days of Fitness

Gloria Govan is giving TeamGlo a challenge to lose 30 pounds in 30 days with "30 Days of Fitness".  All you have to do is start taking RealW8 and upload your progress pictures to Instagram/Twitter with #30daysofFitness.  The winner will be selected 3/7/2013.  Your RealW8 bottle must appear in all progress pictures.  It's never too late to start!


Join TeamGlo on Facebook to get 24/7 support and love while you shed those pounds and anxiety. Learn how to maximize weightloss and encourage others.


Join TeamGlo!

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